In response to “still life fatigue” and loathing for painting perfect images of false realities, Loren Dann began painting the daily deterioration of her compost pile in 2010. She forged a different perspective for what most would normally call “gross” or “disgusting” and exploited the beauty that can be found in ROT.
In 2023, Loren explored this idea by turning to fresh fruit and vegetables as her subjects and documenting their decline from being “just picked” to desiccating, deteriorating, or rotting away to nothing.
As the works progressed, similarities formed in the effects of rot on vegetation and the effects of trauma on humans. From neglect to roots of abuse, the results of human suffering can make us feel as damaged as rotting fruit, even though our wounds may not be visible to the rest of the world. And just as damage to a fruit tree or vegetable plant can cause altered fruit and seed for future generations, so can generational trauma in humans create an unwanted legacy of ROT.